For execution: Process models are useful assets for technical developers, because a model is like a plan for how to build something, which helps reduce complexity and speeds up the development cycle. 用于执行:流程模型是技术开发人员的有用资产,因为模型像一个如何构建内容的计划,它有助于减少复杂性,并缩短开发周期。
( Unlike a life cycle phase, whose execution is automatically preceded by the previous phases in the life cycle, a Maven goal is executed by itself.) (一个Maven目标(goal)被自身执行,这与生命周期阶段不同,后者的执行由生命周期中的此前阶段自动推进。)
Monitored entities can be tangible, such as a device, server, or vehicle, or abstract, such as a process execution, a package delivery, or a sales cycle. 所监视的实体可以是有形的,如设备、服务器或车辆;或者是抽象的,如流程执行或销售业绩。
How do you translate the execution model into organized and planned work activities that can be repeatedly executed in a typical software development life cycle? 如何将执行模型转换为可在典型的软件开发生命周期中重复执行的有组织有计划的工作活动呢?
Because getter methods are invoked many, many times during a typical execution of the JSF life cycle. 因为在典型的JSF执行生命周期中,会多次调用getter方法。
( Executing a Maven life cycle phase triggers the execution of the previous phases in the project life cycle.) 执行一个Maven生命周期阶段将触发项目生命周期中的此前阶段的执行。
The successive stages in budgeting preparation, authorization, execution and audit are known as the budget cycle. 预算的四个阶段&拟定、审批、执行和审计,被称为预算周期。
It is more efficient to design a simple instruction set that enable the execution of one instruction per clock cycle. 设计一个能够在一个时钟周期执行一条指令的简单指令系统才是更有效的。
In other words, software interrupts always occur at the beginning of an instruction execution cycle. 换句话说,软件中断常常在指令运行周期的开始。
Study on Arrangement and Execution Means of Chen Shao-guo's Training Cycle Before the 7th National Games 对陈绍果七运会前小周期训练安排与实施手段的探析
Propose the run time dispatched instruction decoder and issue logic based on instruction execution cycle. 提出基于指令类型动态分配的译码器设计方案和基于指令执行周期的动态逻辑发射方案。
The PLC Command, I/ O address, internal relay resource, the structure of the software, edits modules, memory frame and execution cycle are described in detail. 从规划PLC的控制命令、I/O地址、内部寄存器资源开始展开论述,并结合软件结构,说明了PLC的编辑和存储结构、循环扫描执行等模块。
This paper has discussed the relationship between the machine cycle and instruction execution time for superscalar RISC architecture, issuing multiple instructions in one machine cycle. Several new design features of superscalar RISC architecture with single execution unit and multiple function units have been analysed. 本文讨论超标量RISC结构中单周期发多条指令中周期和执行指令时间的相对关系,并分析了新型超标量RISC结构的实现方案,其中包括具有单个执行部件和多个执行部件的结构。
This paper introduces the method of execution-cycle multiplexing and the designs of interrupt flag signals using register model in interrupt module architecture. Some control signals are illustrated with Verilog HDL design in detail. 文章介绍了一种采用中断执行周期复用、寄存器模型设计中断标识信号的中断电路实现方法,并给出了关键控制信号的Veriloghdl程序实现。
Project quality, progress, investment, security and civilized construction are the important contents in project management, and also the key process in the execution of enterprise strategic management and in the shorten installation cycle. 工程质量、进度、投资、安全、文明施工等管理是项目管理的重要内容,是企业实施战略管理、缩短装置建设周期的重要环节。
Policy execution is the key link of public policy life cycle and it eventually have important influence on the policy effect. 政策执行是公共政策生命周期中的关键环节,政策执行过程对最终的政策效果具有重要的影响作用。
Some enterprise application shortens the execution cycle, improves the efficiency of business process and brings down the costs of business process. 各种各样的企业级应用系统的使用,缩短了业务流程执行的周期,提高了业务处理的效率,降低了业务处理的成本。